
February 19, 2023
Using terraform-azurerm-caf-enterprise-scale and custom landing zone archetypes makes it easy to modify role assignments by using the access_control block under parameters. To set role assignments for the built-in management groups is a bit different, and not very clearly documented in the repository wiki. To override the role assignments for the built-in management groups you need to use the archetype_config_overrides block. The block requires you to set the archetype_id, parameters and acess_control:
February 6, 2023
A little while back I spent an hour or so writing an Azure policy, only to discover that the Azure landing zones Terraform module already has a policy definition that does exactly what I wanted to accomplish, but no assignments linked to it. It took me another hour of confusion and frustration to figure out how to actually assign the policy, as there is a step I completely overlooked. So here is a quick summary of how to use these policies so you can save yourself the trouble.
August 4, 2022

I believe most of us who works with Azure have felt the frustration of managing virtual networks as they grow in complexity. It’s easy to make mistakes when configuring peering and route tables and end up spending too much time running queries in Network Watcher to figure out what’s going on. Azure Virtual Network Manager aims to make this a lot easier and let us configure both Hub-Spoke and Mesh networks, as well as central management of security rules for all virtual networks.

As this new service is still in preview, there is no support for using the AzureRM provider in Terraform to configure it, but by using the AzAPI we can get up and running without diving into scripty shenanigans that breaks or otherwise declarative approach to infrastructure as code

May 13, 2019
I recently got a request from one of our customers who have an ERP system where they experience slowness due to high load the first monday and tuesday of every month. They wanted us to implement a scheduled scaling of the machine. As this is a single VM we could only scale up/down by changing the VM Size. The drawback is that this requires a reboot, but as long as you’re aware of the necessary downtime and setup your schedules outside office hours this can be solved easily with Azure Automation
August 30, 2018
Earlier this summer Microsoft announced Static Website Hosting for Azure Storage in public preview. An affordable way of hosting websites where you don’t need any server side logic. Instead of paying for, securing and updating my own Virtual Machine I decided to check it out. This of course led me deep down a rabbit hole thinking about resurrection my personal website in some way. Instead of doing this the boring way and just upload some good, old fashioned, HTML I thought why not #RubDevOpsOnIt and use a build pipeline in Visual Studio Team Services and a static site generator to create something cool?
October 27, 2017

To change VM Size when your virtual machines are part of an availability set can be a pain in the Azure Portal. Especially if the new size you want is not available on your current cluster and the resources have to be moved as well.

The entire process is a lot easier to do with powershell