A simple 'dynamic dns'-client with Ansible and Cloudflare

My ISP does not give me a static IP. It doesn’t change often, but in the rare case that it has changed I never discover it before I actually need it.

So. I wanted a very simple way of auto-updating the home.example.com record. I didn’t want to bother with a thirdparty client from something like dyndns (and I didn’t want to pay for anything).

As I use Cloudflare as dns service for all domains I own I could just use their API and solve it with a oneliner, but doing it with Ansible is more readable

 2- hosts: localhost
 3  connection: local
 5  vars:
 6  - cf_zone: 'example.com'
 7    cf_record: 'home'
 8    cf_email: 'email-for-cloudflare-login'
 9    cf_api_token: 'your-api-token-from-cloudflare'
11  tasks:
12  - name: Get current public IP address
13    uri:
14      url: 'https://ipinfo.io/ip'
15      return_content: yes
16    register: public_ip
18  - name: Update DNS record
19    cloudflare_dns:
20      zone: '{{ cf_zone }}'
21      record: '{{ cf_record }}'
22      type: A
23      value: '{{ public_ip.content | trim }}'
24      state: present
25      account_email: '{{ cf_email }}'
26      account_api_token: '{{ cf_api_token }}'
28  - name: Create Cron job
29    cron:
30      name: Update DNS record
31      minute: '*/15'
32      job: 'ansible-playbook -i "localhost," /path/to/ansible/playbook.yml'